When voters legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana in California, they gave marijuana businesses all over the state new opportunities for more success and increased profits. They’ve given themselves and the state the opportunity to create a path for more research regarding the plant, remove the stigma associated with it, and most importantly, demystify the medical uses of marijuana. The market and demand for cannabis will increase, with projections that the industry could be worth more than $20 billion in California alone by 2020.
This opportunity leaves money and market share up for grabs. But as vast as the opportunities are, so is the ambiguity around how the medical marijuana and cannabis industry is going to be regulated. Right now, we know that California’s regulations around medicinal marijuana will start to take effect in 2018. But things can change on a dime, so it’s crucial to have someone on your team who understands the law and can anticipate how California’s cannabis laws will work.
You can make the most of the medical marijuana opportunities in California.
While opportunities are plentiful, they will be limited to the businesses that act fast and follow the rules. Marijuana ordinances vary from city to city, and the medical marijuana laws in California have yet to be set. In the next three to five years, the safe, smart, legal businesses are going to prosper.
If you already own and operate a marijuana business, it’s essential you make yourself a legal entity now in order to beat out the big business and big money currently sitting on the sidelines. You have to make sure your business is set up to meet the state laws and standards as they roll out beginning in 2018. The people who do it right will make the most of this incredible opportunity. The beauty of these new regulations is that they will give the businesses that are legally established a leg up in the industry.
The opportunity is only as good as your ability to understand California’s medical marijuana laws.
If you want to be successful and profitable in the medicinal marijuana industry, you need an advocate who will not only make sure you’re in compliance with every rule and regulation in your region, but also anticipate any obstacles and answer all your questions along the way.
Currently, there are a lot of unknowns about how the industry will be regulated. However, we do know that the medical marijuana laws California will be creating are going to reward the companies that are legally established in compliance with state standards. The businesses that do it right will make the most of the opportunity and see success and profits; in order to do it the right way, you need us.
Fickel & Davis will help you keep your business running, or help you establish a business that runs legally, so you can focus on what you want to do: grow, manufacture, sell, distribute, or transport—and of course, maximize profits. If you want to be able to expand with the industry, you need to become a completely legal company. You’ve got to act quickly, and you’ve got to have an advocate like Fickel & Davis on your side. We have a vision for the future and want to see you succeed in this exciting and developing industry. Reach out to us and find out more about how our marijuana law services can help your business.